A Brand Backstory Preserves Your Legacy


    A Man In A Hole Story

    man in a hole
    You can fall into a hole, but can never fall out of one. You must climb out.

    Speaking to a group of writing students, Kurt Vonnegut said, “Nobody ever lost money telling the story of a man in a hole.”

    You likely know that story: A fella is doing OK, taking care of business, when suddenly his world is turned upside-down. A pandemic strikes, or the economy tanks, or he loses his job, or gets divorced. He has fallen into a hole. And although he can fall into one, he can never fall out of one. He must climb out.

    Is Your Brand Backstory Worth Telling?

    man in a bookstore
    Your brand backstory story proves that you have paid your dues and know what you’re talking about.

    Your brand backstory—your Founder’s Journey—is about why and how you created and established your business. It pulls no punches. It’s the whole story, with all the ups and downs, troubles, mistakes, and unexpected turns. It might be a man-in-a-hole story. Or, it could be a rags-to-riches story. Maybe even a voyage-and-return story. There are many variations, but most are some version of this plot: a reader follows your path from a comfortable place to a setback, through crisis and recovery, to a better place.

    Your story proves that you have paid your dues and know what you’re talking about. It’s the story of you, your mission, and how your brand fulfills your mission. It’s the story that links you to your brand’s story. At its essence, a brand backstory isn’t about your company. Your company is the construct, but the story’s goal is to create a connection with your customers.

    A backstory allows a reader to experience your journey while promoting your brand, building brand loyalty, and creating trust. It explains why your brand exists. It creates a sense of identity, purpose, and mission that your product—by itself—cannot. And when your listeners believe your story, you also give them a reason to believe in your brand.

    A Brand Backstory Is Not a Brag Rag: It’s a Hero’s Journey

    hiker in mountains
    A Brand Backstory is your hero’s journey

    Let’s Get Something Straight

    Brand stories are not marketing materials. They can be used to frame marketing materials, but they are not ads or sales pitches. Look up a few so-called “brand stories” on YouTube, and you’ll see that most of them are blatant sales pitches. Copywriters call these “brag rags.” No one likes a braggart. No one connects emotionally to a sales pitch.

    So, however you use your brand backstory, make sure it’s fact, not fiction. Tell it like it was. Spitting out a highlight reel, as most other brands do, won’t resonate with people. Instead, you must tell the truth about your company’s adversity and how you have dealt with it. Because unending prosperity isn’t what people relate to and are inspired by. They are inspired by the tough process of chasing an objective, falling, and ultimately finding a path to success. Readers don’t want a dull story of great accomplishment. They want to engage emotionally with a story by comparing the founder’s experience to their own flawed histories. Stories work because the listener doesn’t just hear the story; they are transported into the story. They are memorable because not only can the listener identify with the hero, they can also experience the story as it unfolds.

    storytelling is the best marketing

    Why Does A Brand Backstory Work So Well As A Branding Tool?

    When we’re invested in a good story, our brains biologically respond to it. Emotion triggers your brain to release either cortisol (the stress chemical) or oxytocin (the feel-good chemical). That’s why you feel anxious while watching the Wicked Witch of the West and happy when Dorothy and Toto finally return home from Oz.

    Suppose you create a Founders Journey for your brand. What do you do with it? It won’t do you any good sitting in a computer file. So, here are—

    Seven Branding Uses for Your Founder’s Journey

    build brand
    1. Generate testimonials. When people feel like they know you, believe in your mission, and see themselves in your story, they want to share those feeling with others. That’s what drives “Likes” on social media. So talk to the people who follow you. Ask for user-generated written and video testimonials. Don’t be afraid to ask your clients for real stories about how your brand inspired or helped them. When you help other people, they will help you back. Make this process a habit, and you will soon have pages of effective testimonials.
    2. Transform your website’s “About” page. Trust me; you are the only one who cares about where you went to school, how many degrees you have, how many awards you’ve won, or how big your company is. Your customers want a reason to trust you. Show your customers that you’re a real person with real problems. Then show them how you developed solutions to those problems. Customers will relate to that.
    3. Perfect your “elevator pitch.” Your best elevator pitch will tell—in two sentences—about you, your mission, and how your brand fulfills your mission. Does that sound like a tall order? It’s not. You see such short descriptions attached to all streaming movies and TV shows; they are called “loglines” and tell you what the movie/episode is about. A good brand backstory is built by distilling your stories into a two-sentence premise that captures your essence—your personal logline. Best of all, it’s repeatable: your employees can also use it.
    4. Create a relevant mission statement. Your mission statement is born of your struggle to create your business. At the risk of waxing poetic, your mission begins as a lump of coal, and the heat and pressure of formation creates the diamond that becomes your mission statement. You want more than words; there must be emotion. When someone reads it, they must know you mean it. Platitudes and buzzwords just don’t cut it. Why would anyone else believe your mission statement if it doesn’t induce an emotional reaction in you (the one who lived the story)?
    5. Preserve your legacy.
      A Founder’s Journey enables family businesses (as well as the family as a whole) to reflect on their history and use it as a basis for creating a shared vision for the future. Stories of sacrifice, challenges overcome, and lessons learned, enable heirs and managers to understand a founder’s formula for success. Company and family cultures are based on a shared understanding of values and ethical practices. These are best transmitted through stories that inform, uplift, soothe, inspire, mentor, and entertain.

      Shoe Dog, by Nike founder and CEO Phil Knight, tells the captivating story of how he went from a startup selling shoes out of the back of his car—$8,000 first year revenue—to annual sales of over $30 billion. His story captures his struggles, obstacles, backstabbers, haters, and hard times. Many of his stories had never been told until now but offer valuable lessons. Imagine what would have been lost if they hadn’t been written. Which of your stories would be lost forever if left untold?
    6. Expand your influence.
      The rooms we live and work in have a lingering odor. I’m sure you’ve noticed: some smell fresh and clean while others stink. Our influence permeates the world in a similar fashion: its effects linger even when we are no longer around. For instance, my grandmother kept a lavender potpourri in her living room. After she died, whenever I smelled lavender, I thought of her. Influence works the same way. It moves people to action long after the initial interaction is over.
      To expand your influence, you must get those you directly influence (family, friends, employees) to share your story. Such word-of-mouth is powerful.
    7. Increase revenue.
      Consumers buy from people they know, like, and trust. A compelling brand story—backed by action—fulfills this cycle. A research project from co:collective of 42 publicly-traded companies from retail, consumer electronics, entertainment, airlines, food and beverage, electronic payments, and IT services/products explored the financial impact of brand storytelling. The results were impressive. Customers were more engaged and bought more. The increase in customer engagement led to:
      1. From 2007-2011, revenue increased by 70%
      2. Share price grew by 227% (annualized)

    Why such dramatic increases? Because brand stories foster trust, and consumers prefer to buy from brands they trust.

    How To Maintain Your Brand Backstory To Stay Relevant


    Your Founder’s Journey story is an asset that keeps generating opportunities. It must be regularly maintained to keep working. Here are a couple of tips for doing that:

    Publish regularly. Regular posting—on blogs, social media, and article sites—will create an expectation in your followers. They will begin to anticipate your updates. A devoted audience is a worthwhile audience. Develop a publication routine and resist the urge to get complacent.

    Publicize. Publicity persuades. Tell your brand’s story through the PR efforts of your business.

    Offer feedback channels. Too many companies make it hard for customers to leave positive feedback because there is no convenient way to do it. Make sure your customers always have a chance to comment on your blog, leave a star rating, or fill out a comment card. You will be surprised how many people use them. Folks are naturally inclined to help, and if given a chance, they will seize it.

    Maximize Social Media

    Use backstory extracts, anecdotes, or customer successes in your comments and what you share. You can tell your story just as easily through a series of tweets as you can by talking to people at a tradeshow.

    • Learn how to break up your backstory into small pieces that can be used in various situations. Tell your brand backstory everywhere: on your blog, in company biographies, in customer profiles, or your newsletter.
    • For the best results, use the “stories” feature on Facebook and Instagram to tell your story on social media. This feature enables you to “go live” with your story, and your audience can see your brand in action.
    • Interact with people in your field by adding value to online conversations on sites like Reddit and Quora, where you can give helpful information instead of a sales pitch.

    Don’t Underestimate Your Business Stories

    business stories

    Each of us has a story to tell. A lifetime of dreams, schemes, loves, losses, and triumphs combine to form your unique legacy. Your memoir preserves your story and allows your influence to linger.

    Your story is unique. It’s what separates your business from all others. Ignore it, and you are just another forgettable brand in a noisy marketplace. Craft it carefully, and you can create a powerful narrative that touches and inspires people.

    If you want to be remembered by your descendants and revered by your colleagues, you must share your story. Write it down, or record it, or make videos—whichever suits you. But do it. An unwritten legacy fades quickly. A written memoir lingers forever. It enables generations of your descendants to build an emotional connection to you. Your values are passed on, and your legacy may become their anchor.

    For information on how to develop your brand story, contact Wayne Jordan for a discovery call.

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